Sunday, November 24, 2013

Strawberry Custard Bun

I saw soooo pretty bun in Table For 2, with strawberry as a topping. I wanted to make them too. So I made that buns, but sadly I couldn't make it pretty. The bun's texture is almost the same with doughnut, but it remained soft in the next day. I thought I will use this dough for my doughnut dough later. (Biasanya donat saya keras kayak batu hari kedua huhuhuhu)

For your information, this bun is easy but I needed so many effort, I made all from the scratch from the dough, custard, then strawberry sauce. But it was great, because I never saw any bakery sell this hahaha.
Here is the recipe :

Strawberry Custard Bun

250g Bread flour
1/2 tsp yeast
1 tsp salt
30 g sugar
145 ml milk
1 egg yolk
30 g unsalted butter

custard cream
270 ml milk
1 tsp vanila
2 eggs
2 egg yolk
60g sugar
15g cake flour
pinch of salt

60g strawberries
60g sugar
1/2tbsp lemon
1/2 tsp vanila

250 g (or less) strawberry cut into pieces

How to make :
1. Prepare the dough, mix everything except butter. Put it in bread maker, knead it until dough start become elastic. Then knead in the butter until dough become soft and smooth. Cover it and let it proof until double (approximately 1.5 hours)

2. Prepare the custard cream. Whisk eggs, vanilla, egg yolk and sugar until pale and frothy. whisk in flour and salt. In saucepan bring milk to boil, and slowly pour the egg mixture. Put them back in saucepan, stir it until it cook and thicken.. Pour the custard into bowl and cover it with cling wrap.

3. prepare strawberry sauce. Coarsely chop the strawberry mixed it with sugar, lemon and vanilla. Cook it in low heat until it turn jam alike. Let it cool

4.When dough is double divide it into 14 portion, roll them round and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Grease muffin pan or small pie cup. Preheat the oven 160-180C (depend on your type of oven)

5. Take the dough and flat them, press them in a pie cup. Spoon the custard in the middle.(no further proofing.

6. bake them 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. Let it cool, remove from the muffin tin. 
7. Mix strawberry sauce with strawberry pieces, put it as the topping.

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